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The Right Working Environment is What I Need

How to Convince Your Company to Swap to Standing Desks

10.3 min read

The new pandemic continues to spread, and organizations are prioritizing employee health by providing the right working environment, which is safe and conducive for productive working. Standing desks are a perfect fit for making the working day healthier for employees. It’s time for employers to start taking notice of the health benefits of standing desks and you can help them come to this realization!

However, the main question is: how do you convince your company to swap to standing desks? Do you simply go and ask them to start replacing the regular desks with standing desks? Whilst that might be an option, this directness without a clear argumentative foundation might not bode well with your bosses. This article will focus on ways and strategies you can try to convince your company to convert to standing desks.

Do Your Research on Standing Desks

Before you jump the gun and go rushing to your bosses, you need to be well prepared with your verbal (or written) communication to convince them to switch to standing desks. This includes researching standing desks from their cost and key feature to lifespans and warranties. Getting your preliminary work done before the actual conversation will help you prepare a case, and help you get the task completed successfully. Think of the key reasons you want standing desks, identify any shortcomings that may be a barrier, and if possible, brainstorm solutions, and so on. Remember the universal saying: Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail.

Photo of a young man preparing with communication to bosses to convince them to switch to standing desks.

Pre-empt What Your Management Could Ask You

Following on from our previous point, doing the research on standing desks is to ensure you can accurately and confidently answer any queries your decision-makers may ask you. Below we have listed a series of questions that will need to be answered before making the switch from a sitting desk to a standing desk.

  • Cost. This is going to be the main and first question by the majority, if not all, decision-makers. Ensure you have a figure to offer before getting into talks – otherwise, without concrete numbers, your argument will lack substance and may not be taken seriously.
  • How many will you need? If you have a large office, is it just your department you’re speaking for or the entire place? Or are you just speaking for yourself? Make sure to know exactly how many are required and who you’re speaking on behalf of.
  • Why is the switch to standing desks the right move? The option to switch to standing desks may not be as easy as it sounds if there is any form of resistance from management. Therefore, you need strong points to back up your argument.
  • Would your company accommodate a standing desk? Will it work with your office structure? Will it be feasible to get a standing desk, or it will hamper the movement of your co-workers?
  • How much time will your co-workers take getting used to a standing desk? Are they easy to navigate and set-up, or will time resources be used training and installing these desks?

The above are just sample questions that may be asked – if you do your research and have your goals clearly laid out in your head, then you should be equipped for any question. You know your company and management best, so adjust your query to suit their personalities.

Standing desk by Progressive Automations

Outline the Benefits of Standing Desks

With the groundwork done, you can get right down to business, by talking about the benefits to convince your management to invest in standing desks. Here are some points which can turn the tables in your favor and help with asking an employer to provide a stand-up desk:

There Can Be a High Return on Investment

This is one of the most lucrative reasons for investing in standing desks. As per Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index’s survey (2010), 77% of workers had at least one chronic health problem, which included depression, cancer, asthma, heart attack, cholesterol, amongst many others. This further led to lost productivity, which cost companies $84 billion, allocated to absenteeism.  

Unscheduled absenteeism is an issue for all companies, and it can cost companies $3,600 per hourly employee per year. Unscheduled absenteeism is majorly related to sickness leaves and the inability to work. As standing desks reduce employees’ sitting time, the risk pertaining to chronic medical issues is reduced by one third, which translates into monetary benefits for companies, as absenteeism is kept at par. Additionally, there is also saving in terms of paying workers compensation claims and group medical insurance rates.

Photo of young people talking at standing desk

Better Productivity

Enhanced productivity is another benefit worth showcasing in your conversations with the management. Numerous studies have shown that a standing desk improves productivity, promotes creativity, and facilitates idea-sharing. Google and Facebook offer standing desks to enhance their employee wellness programs. More than 250 employees in Facebook use these desks in order to boost morale and keep the energy levels high at work.

Standing desks also improve focus, improve concentration, and maintain higher energy levels in employees: a must-have to enhance productivity and improve employee health in professional environments.

Improved Company Culture

Standing desks create an ergonomic environment, which promotes new and positive company values for the employers and employees alike. An ergonomic work environment promotes productive company culture and creates a sense of belonging in the minds of employees. Employees are happier in companies where their health conditions and wellbeing are considered a priority, versus other companies where there is little regard given to health.

Photo of a businesswoman with a laptop at a standing desk

Reduced Healthcare Costs

The costs of healthcare solutions continue to rise, with little chance of slowing down anytime soon. Companies are always looking for strategic ways to reduce their healthcare provisional costs while maintaining their employees interest. Companies spend millions of dollars each year on health-related costs, which could otherwise be spent on investment in technology, infrastructure, and employee salaries. Healthier employees cost their companies less money, and stand up desks are an excellent way to promote healthcare costs. Stand up desks burn calories up to 40% daily, and further reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases.

Company Profits Will Eventually Be Affected

Accumulated absenteeism can lead to losses, which negatively affects the company’s profits sooner or later. These can be allocated to two main causes, which include:

  • Higher costs: Everything is related to higher costs, which are caused by a number of influences, including absenteeism, hiring an additional workforce to complete pending work, and paying overtime to existing employees. All in all, the higher the cost, the lower the profits, which could be due to increased costs by the aforementioned, and lower productivity.
  • Designated employees are needed: Companies hire employees in various designations to perform certain functions in a corporate environment. The absence of talented employees in key roles can affect the company’s overall growth over a period of time, which can translate into eventual losses.

Check out our range of standing desks and find the perfect fit for your office!

Conclusion: Standing Desks are Worth the Investment

‘Sitting is the new smoking’, while a shocking thought is a slogan that has serious substance and truth. It’s not just a media hype; it is the true reality, which needs to be kept in mind at all times. Employees spend 30-40 hours per week in an office environment, which makes the use of a high-quality desks’ imperative. Convincing your boss to get standing desks will benefit your team and co-workers alike and shows how the company is prioritizing employee health and wellbeing. Choose your strategy appropriately; the right approach along with the right tactics can make the switch from a sitting desk to a standing desk a far easier feat than you would think!

To find out more about our standing desks, feel free to contact us and we would be delighted to help!

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